[4 min read]
We are thrilled and grateful to welcome Mike Stevens and Des Ong into their new roles as Chair and Deputy Chair of our board. Both Mike and Des have written to you to share about themselves and their hopes for their new roles.
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From Mike:
Greetings to the Arrow Community,
My name is Mike Stevens and I am married to Michelle and have the privilege of being dad to Ella, Ben and Lucy.
I have a real passion in seeing people come to know Jesus, coaching and developing leaders, and developing effective discipleship pathways in the local church. I have worked as a teacher, school chaplain, a long-term youth Pastor, as a consultant and developer of leaders for the Baptist Churches of SA, and currently serve as the Lead Pastor at Clovercrest Baptist church in Adelaide.
In 2017 I authored a book called ‘The Glue’, designed to develop emerging leaders, and as of October 2022, I completed the Doctor of Ministry program through ACU with my thesis focussed on Missional Renewal in the Western church.
My first connection with Arrow was as a participant of Arrow 9 Emerging Leaders Program and since then have volunteered on team through being a State Leader, teaching, and more recently on the board. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be stepping into the Board Chair role, and I am excited about serving Arrow in this way as we continue to develop Jesus centred leaders across our nation and beyond.
I want to thank Di Feldman for her exceptional leadership on the Arrow Board – her character, skills, collaborative approach, and commitment to excellence in governance and relationships will be her legacy.
Thank you for your prayers and support of Arrow and I look forward to all God has for us into the future.
Rev. Dr. Mike Stevens
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From Des:
Greetings to the Arrow Community,
It has been a privilege to have gone through Arrow as a participant in Arrow 7, to be involved as a State Leader in both the Emerging Leaders Program and the Executive Leaders Programs for the last 10 years and more recently serving on the Arrow Board.
My passion has been developing emotionally and culturally intelligent leaders who can navigate the intersection between faith and marketplace. Over the last 20+ years I have consulted with a variety of industries and organisations on their executive development, strategy, organisational health, team culture and employee engagement and performance. These include top ASX companies, governance boards, entertainment & hospitality, media, retail, education, finance and not for profit sectors. I have also completed my Master’s degree through Morling College with a major thesis on the role that Emotional and Cultural Intelligence plays in developing effective leaders.
It is a real honour to serve in this Deputy Chair role and following on from the legacy Di has brought through her time as Chair. Having known and worked with Di for many years in different contexts, Di has modelled servant leadership, a commitment to best practice governance and worked to see Arrow maximise its purpose and calling into the Christian leadership landscape. Thank you Di for your faithful service to Arrow.
I am looking forward to this next season of what God has installed for Arrow and thank you for your ongoing prayers and support as Arrow continues to grow fruitful Jesus centred leaders.
Des Ong
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