Recently my family spent a month in the USA and of course we headed to Disneyland and LegoLand (one of my bucket list items). Believe it or not, this year I turn 40, and it’s not as traumatic as I was led to believe. Although 40 is still quite young (or so I’m told) there are a few things I’ve learnt as a leader along the way. Here’s my 5 random pieces of advice for Christian leaders:

1. Invest in your leadership
Many leaders who need a coach or counsellor say they can’t afford it, it’s like a couple who can’t afford a date night but lose thousands in divorce fees later on because the relationship didn’t work out. If you need to grow in your leadership, it’s an investment to hire a coach or counsellor. If you’ve got issues you need to deal with, hire someone to help. Not investing in these areas will seriously cost you later. It’s an investment in your life and leadership that impacts everyone.

2. Deal with your issues
I have issues. You have issues. Everyone has issues. The common denominator to everything that has happened in your life is – you. So it’s important to not put off dealing with our inner world for another day. Hire a coach or counsellor and multiply your impact through a healthier self.

3. Get comfortable with working with people who are smarter than you.
I have the privilege of working with amazing people, who are much smarter than I am, and I have learnt (am learning) to be comfortable with that. Learn to get comfortable with not knowing it all, then you’ll be a much better leader. Some of the greatest leaders hold the posture of ongoing learners.

4. Work hard on your character
I’ve had the privilege of having a mentor/coach walk along side me for over 15years. I have given her permission to focus on my character first; competency second. Sometimes it’s easy to focus on leadership skills/competency and we forget to focus on our character. Make sure you have people who can help you work hard on your character first.

5. Love Jesus
Sometimes when we are so busy working for Jesus, we forget how to love Jesus. Keep your relationship with Jesus as your number one priority and protect it ruthlessly. Busyness, work, people, family and friends will all vie for your attention, but put Jesus as number one in your diary and heart, you won’t regret it.

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Kylie Butler