Partnership Fund
Application Information
Arrow Leadership, through the Partnership Fund, is pleased to offer funds that supplement applicants’ fundraising efforts to enable program participation. Support from the Partnership Fund will therefore offset only a portion of the Arrow fees (full fee support will not be provided). It is important that applicants note the following information:
- A necessary skill in serving as a leader is the ability to garner financial support for ministry activity. Arrow’s desire is to equip and empower applicants in raising funds to participate in the Programs. All Partnership Fund applications will be considered in light of the fundraising efforts of the applicant.
- Applications to the Partnership Fund are processed separately to applications to participate in the program.
- Approval of funding from the Partnership Fund is not guaranteed and is contingent upon available resources and requests for support. The amount of sponsorship available from the Partnership Fund in any one year is finite.
- Applications to the Partnership Fund are considered and funding offered by the Arrow Partnership Fund Committee (APFC).
- Places in the programs are granted by the Emerging Leaders Program Director and the Executive Leaders Program Director irrespective of the APFC deliberations.
- The Emerging Leaders Program Director and the Executive Leaders Program Director are not members of the APFC but do have the opportunity to advise that committee.
- Information provided in the Partnership Fund Application need only be indicative. If your application is successful, we may require you to provide evidence such as audited accounts.
- All information supplied is confidential to the Emerging Leaders Program Director, the Executive Leaders Program Director and the members of the APFC.
- Applications to the Partnership Fund will not be considered from participants utilising Fee-Help.
Questions on Application
How much will you, your employer or anyone else be paying, or contributing to your Arrow fees?
What is the number of paid staff at your organisation/ministry?
What is your organisation/ministry’s annual income (revenue)?
What is your organisation/ministry’s annual expenditure?
What percentage of the organisation/ministry’s annual expenditure is designated to staff costs?
What cash reserves does your organisation/ministry hold?
How long have you been in paid employment with this organisation/ministry?
Please provide us with an explanation as to why you believe the level of sponsorship you have requested is required.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does Arrow Leadership fund participants in this way?
To assist some applicants who are from start up, small or medium sized ministries to cover the cost of participation, the Partnership Fund was introduced in 2014. Concurrently, a Christian philanthropist made a substantial dollar for dollar matching commitment to encourage donations towards this fund.
How does the APFC make its decision?
In making its decision, the APFC seeks to align available donations to the Partnership Fund with applications for support. In doing so the APFC assesses relative need of each applicant to the Partnership Fund to facilitate the equitable distribution of the resources available in each round.
How much support will I receive?
The maximum amount of support offered is $5,000 (however rarely exercised). The average amount of support for 2021 was $2,125 (Emerging Leaders) and $1,995 (Executive Leaders).
When will I know the outcome of my application?
The outcome of your application will be advised within a week of an offer into the Program.