Hire Right First Time – User Guide

Hello and welcome to the Hire Right First Time User Guide!

This User Guide is to be used with ‘Right person, First Timeand designed to provide you all of the materials that are in the book. It also provides additional training, particularly in the area of Skills Assessment.

 I. What’s in the User Guide?

 It has two sections: which you will find in two zip files.

 Section One is the whole User Guide, running 117 pages. It is in three sections, called Parts 1- 3:

  • Part 1: explains in detail how to use the different Interview Forms and Reference Checking Guides. Part 1 also provides essential instructions for using the Skills Assessment tools described in the book.
  • Part 2: provides a copy of all the Checklists provided throughout the book.
  • Part 3: also contains resources, templates and checklists that are meant to be re-used.

These are repeated in Section 2 in Microsoft Word format, so you can modify them.

Section Two repeats chapters 12-20 of the User Guide.

  • These are prepared in Word format.
  • This means you can personalize them with your own logo and organization name. You can also copy them for repeated use.
  • As you become accustomed to the system, you can remove questions that don’t work for you or add new questions.


II. How to Organize the User Guide Materials

Before downloading, we suggest the following:

  1. Create two, three-ring folders.
  2. With the first binder, labeled User Guide, have dividers numbered Chapters 1 -20. 
  3. Put the .pdf file in there, divided by chapter.
  4. In the second folder, labelled Re-Usable Forms, have dividers for Chapters 12 -20. 
  5. This second folder will contain all of the forms you can adapt and re-use.


Organizing the materials in this way will be of considerable help as you work your way through the book.